Allow me to introduce myself…


I received my bachelors degree in Religious Studies with a minor in Psychology in 2000 from Brown University. I moved to Boulder in 2002 to enroll in the Contemplative Psychotherapy program at Naropa University, from which I graduated in 2005. Those three years of training provided a strong foundation in a variety of counseling traditions, direct experience of working with intensity while remaining open and clear and connected, and strengthened my contemplative roots in Buddhist and secular mindfulness practices through daily practice and seven weeks of meditation retreats over that time. My appreciation for Naropa’s training is evident in that I continued to instruct students in the department for years, served as a member of Naropa’s Board of Trustees from 2005 to 2011, and served as a clinical supervisor at the newly formed Naropa Community Counseling Center from 2015 through 2019. My work there mentoring interns, implementing systems of accountability and oversight; and providing numerous trainings on professional development and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy provided deep fulfillment.

I began working in the field of mental health in 2003 as a mentor in a residential program for young adults. In 2004 I joined a new start up therapeutic program, Living Well Transitions, as a Life Skills Counselor and worked there for 11 years serving in a variety of roles. I left Living Well as the Clinical Director in 2015 to broaden my experience of clinical work, deepen my private practice and open up to new opportunities. I served three years as President of the Board of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, and chaired our first regional conference.

What I find deeply nourishing about what I do is that it brings together my spiritual and professional paths in service of personal core values of compassion, interpersonal connection, empowerment, and helping people (including myself) find increased liberation from suffering. When I am not working with clients, you may find me spending time my son, exploring the natural world through hunting, foraging, and nature observation, making and eating great food with my wife, meditating, jogging, biking, or trying to slow down and simply appreciate this moment for what it is.

For more about my professional background, take a look at my Linkedin profile.

View Brooks Witter's profile on LinkedIn

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