Therapy in Ames, West Des Moines and online

Live a vital life, connected to what matters most. 


Offering in-person therapy in Ames and West Des Moines, as well as virtual appointments. Current availability for individuals and couples.

  • Individual counseling for people ages 16 and older
  • Counseling for couples of diverse ages, orientations and commitments
  • Providing practical and effective skills to meet the challenges we face on the path towards a meaningful life


Your life is so much more than any thoughts you may have about it. With each moment we are confronted with an opportunity to turn towards life in all its fullness, or retreat into the too-familiar habits of buying into the judgments, worries, doubts and fears we hold about our life. 


Tools to help you become more authentic, confident and at peace within yourself and your world.


Find your way back to your partner with more care, love and respect. Feel safe to love freely again. 

Spiritual Counseling

Questions of soul, spirit, longing and belonging demand active contemplation to develop into wisdom, patience and love for this life. 

Brooks Witter, 


For the past 30 years, I’ve followed a life calling to be of service. This service finds expression through bringing myself fully to the work of helping people discover, articulate and chart their unique course towards what they truly yearn for in this one precious life.

Let me help you with…

“I wasn’t sure what to expect from therapy, but Brooks’ thoughtful, values driven approach has given me insights into myself and the ability to identify and face problems and hurdles in my life. Further, Brooks equipped me with the tools that I need to live a values driven life that allows me to focus better on my needs, as well as the needs of my family and loved ones.”

I’d like to recommend Brooks Witter for personal counseling.  Brooks’ approach gives me a sense of trust and comfort, in which I am free to share my feelings and challenges knowing that I am heard with empathy and understanding.  In our dialogue, I always feel that I am valued as a person.  Brooks approaches each session with excellent listening skills.  His thoughtful and knowledgeable approach has provided me with very practical actions I can implement on a daily basis. My work with Brooks has helped me grow emotionally in ways that are meaningful to me and those close to me, making a very real and positive difference in my outlook and approach to life.  I have benefited greatly from working with Brooks and recommend him completely. “

“Brooks provided me with so many skills to live a life based on my values.”

Values Based Living

When people come to me struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues or a general sense that thier mind has become more of a tyrranical ruler than an effective helper, the deeper question that needs to be held in view is, “In what ways would you wish to be more engaged in your life?”

Too often when our psychological and emotional challenges come to dominate, we spend more of our time and energy trying to get away from what we don’t want and find that we have less and less contact with what we truly do yearn for in life. I’ve helped hundreds of people break free from the inner compulsions, worries, self-limiting thoughts and self-concepts that have limited their access to fulfillment and a sense of living their purpose.

Learn more about ACT and a values-based therapeutic approach here.

Being more loving partners

If you are experiencing marital troubles, communication issues, couples stress, have gone through a major transition and are seeking to better your relationship with your partner, couple counseling may offer a great path towards reconnection with what truly provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Relationships are what we humans are made for. And yet because our needs for connection, love and understanding are so vitally important to us, our most central relationships can also be our most challenging ones.

The good news is that we heal our hearts and brains by learning how to nurture and be nurtured by our supportive relationships. It is through mastering the challenges to showing up in our current relationships with compassion, acceptance, and genuine care that we rewire our brains and heal the wounds of our past.

Learn how to fall in love again with PACT

In sessions with me you will have experiences with your partner that rewire the nervous system so that you may again experience your partner as a loving and caring support who adds energy and vitality to your life. The PACT approach uses established and modern research in neuroscience and human attachment theory to understand and address our challenges in staying present and open to our partner. Through our work together, you and your partner will learn how to create win-win-win situations where you, your partner, and your relationship get stronger and add value to the system as a whole.

I do couples work with committed partners, married couples, and between parents and their young adult kids to foster greater trust, connection and love. I strive to treat all people with dignity, care and respect, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or gender/sexual identity.

Learning how to overcome our fears in partnership translates to more courage, freedom and connection in all areas of our life. It is through our relationships that our heart is healed.

Nature connection work

Though our technology and many habits of modern life may keep us from remembering this fact, we belong to and are dependent upon this wild, vital planet Earth. By reconnecting our senses with the natural rhythms, sounds, smells and sights of nature, we can awaken a deeper sense of belonging and atunement with the world around us. Many of the woes that ail us in our modern lifestyle – loneliness, isolation, disconnection, lack of purpose, depression, lack of vitality, sense of numbness – can be ameliorated by fostering a living relationship with the natural world. Whether we spend time regularly with the birds in the tree outside our home or go for long adventures in wild places, by bringing ourselves into the out of doors, we give ourselves the opportunity to rekindle a sense of wonder, peace, joy and belonging.

My work with clients often incorporates assignments that involve deepening one’s relationship with nature as a means of developing greater resilience, presence and intuitive intelligence.

Learn about my Being In Nature course offered through Story County Conservation.


Meeting the challenges of parenting

As parents, one of our chief responsibilities is to prepare our kids to meet the challenges of the world they are inheriting. When we see our kids struggling, it can often bring up anxiety, stress and, if severe, fear for the worst. Fortunately as a parent, you have perhaps more power than you know to support your kid’s continued healthy development even if they have already left the nest, so to speak. 

My background as a therapist and Clinical Director of a program supporting hudreds of teens,  young adults and their families navigate challenging transitions has taught me that when parents are actively engaged in changing how they parent during difficult times, kids respond. As a parent coach, I work with parents to help them implement tried and true interventions that strengthen the foundation from which their kids gain stability and confidence.

Stress management

Stress management and stress reduction are common goals for therapy. With the prominence of heart disease, chronic stress syndromes, generalized anxiety and rampant worry, learning how to manage stress and anxiety are vital skills to live a more fulfilling life.

I help my clients connect with domains of their experience that lay behind the stress and work with them to apply skills learned in therapy into their daily life in order to find greater ease and peace as they pursue valued life goals.

Would you like to have greater ease in your daily life? Do you feel like you are running fast but not getting much traction? Is it hard to relax and unwind? Do you feel the balance in your life is a bit out of whack and you are struggling more than you feel you should?

Young Adults

I have spent over a decade serving emerging adults and their families as a life skills counselor, therapist and Clinical Director at a nationally renowned private therapeutic program in Boulder, Colorado. In that time I developed an approach to my work that deeply honors the necessary identity exploration, the healthy skepticism, and the need to experiment and explore possibilities that this phase of life entails.

I believe that as a society we are flagging in our responsibilities of meeting the needs of our young people by failing to provide education that promotes reflection on personal values, encourages creative exploration, and builds emotional resilience. To face the social and economic challenges of the 21st century, we need life skills to match the challenges and opportunities of today’s society. The information service age is a markedly different landscape than any we have faced before in human history. Navigating the pitfalls posed by social media overexposure, while harnessing the possibility of greater collaboration and connectivity the digital age promises requires that we engage new skills to relate to the volume of information our brains/minds must process. Skills that train mindful attention, cultivate values clarity and increase impulse control are the new stock in trade needed to wade our way through a sea of information that floods towards us each time we turn on a connected digital device.

I believe the Millennials and Gen Z young people have before them unprecedented opportunities and challenges in charting a course for the future of our society. There is no more valuable work I can do than to support the noble and creative discovery process that unleashes the power and potential of a young mind active in uncovering what is possibile.

My Approach & Style

My therapeutic intent is to draw out the intelligence within our struggles, so as to derive valuable wisdom from the myriad experiences we encounter. By developing the courage to be with ourselves in an open and honest way, we can begin to see how our greatest fears point the way towards our greatest hopes and longings. I believe that a meaningful life cannot be lived without contacting the pain of anxiety, doubt, insecurity or grief. Rather, times when we willingly risk the vulnerability of loss and failure in order to stay true to the values and principles that lay at the core of our being are times when we become most fully ourselves. 


In terms of how this looks from a client’s perspective, my work is collaborative, practical, rewarding and ultimately liberating. I seek to draw on my clients’ strengths to help them meet in new ways the inner challenges that interfere with making outward progress in life. Together, we address personal struggles, interpersonal issues and transpersonal longings in ways that develop radical acceptance of reality while also calling forth latent strengths and new skills to move life towards greater vitality, purpose and fulfillment. Working with me, clients should expect to learn, among other things, practical tools for: managing emotional distress, unhooking from problematic thinking, engaging more effective interpersonal communication strategies, identifying core values, and developing greater capacity to orient towards and act on what truly matters.  

Get In Touch

Interested in working with me?

If you wish to contact me to inquire about services, click here to fill out a brief inquiry form and I will respond to your inquiry within two business days.

No Surprises Act and Good Faith Estimates

I provide non-emergency psychotherapy to clients by appoitnments only. I am credentialed with Wellmark BCBS, and provide services to out of network clients on a fee-for-service basis. All clients are entitled to a “Good Faith Estimate” outlining the costs of services and anticipated cumulative cost of treatment. For more information on your consumer rights protected by the No Surprises Act, click here.


To view my privacy policy, click here


(515) 337-0335
